Infection Control In Our Office

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Dental Office in Citrus Heights, CA


We are safely scheduling patients to reduce the number of people in the office.

Dental Practice Near Orangevale, CA


We are disinfecting the treatment and office spaces between patients.

Dental Practice Near Fair Oaks, CA


Our dental team and patients are screened with a no-touch temperature daily.

Citrus Heights, CA Dental Practice


Our dental team uses PPE, including masks, gowns, and face shields.
Pristine Family Dentistry
8035 Madison Avenue, Suite F2 Citrus Heights CA 95610
1-916-967-0358 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
Nathalie Selvanathan Doctor
Karthik Raghuraman Doctor