Smile Gallery in Citrus Heights, CA

Before & After Photos at Pristine Family Dentistry in Citrus Heights, CA

Conventional Denture

It's possible to restore your smile with conventional dentures if adequate bone and anatomy allow for it.

Implant-Supported Partial Denture

Chris has several missing teeth and we were able to restore her smile with two implants and implant supported partial denture.

Before & After Photos at Pristine Family Dentistry in Citrus Heights, CA
Before & After Photos at Pristine Family Dentistry in Citrus Heights, CA

Cracked Teeth

Smile restored with individual crowns due to the large size of the crack and gap between the teeth.

Maryland Bridge

When single tooth is missing and adequate enamel/tooth structure present, maryland bridge is an option.

Before & After Photos at Pristine Family Dentistry in Citrus Heights, CA
Before & After Photos at Pristine Family Dentistry in Citrus Heights, CA

Composite Fill

Chipped tooth restored with composite (tooth colour) filling. It's not always crowns and veneers.

Individual Crowns

Beautiful smile restored with individual porcelain crowns to replace the unattractive stained teeth.

Before & After Photos at Pristine Family Dentistry in Citrus Heights, CA
Pristine Family Dentistry
8035 Madison Avenue, Suite F2 Citrus Heights CA 95610
1-916-967-0358 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
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